Friday, August 8, 2008
Yoooo Hoooooo .......
..... catch me if you can
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Time for change .......
I have been such a slacker recently when it comes to writing my blog and it's not really because I've got nothing to say. There has hardly been a time in my life really when I haven't had much to say - except probably when I've been put under general anaesthetic - but god help you if you're the one standing by my bedside when I come round as it has this fantastic effect on me that sends my mouth into overdrive (with jolly colourful words mostly), and I become momentarily insane (even more than the usual can you believe), and I start punching everyone around me! ..... Don't say you haven't been warned now!
But it's OK peeps, relax there. You can come out from behind your computer screens as although it may seem that I have been put under anaesthetic as the rambling has been temporarily halted, actually i am, and have been, fully conscious throughout and it's actually ......
.... BLOGGER.COM's fault, so HA ! (I so like passing the buck, I mean it couldn't possibly be that I'm just a lazy git and really can't be arsed to think of what to say, or to press the 'blogspot' button more than once because it doesn't go through the first time and I have the patience of a flea!)
I don't know about you lot out there but I am actually having a serious problem getting onto most of the '' sites. It keeps booting me out with a blank page and a cute little comment in the corner that says "done" - although what it thinks it has done is quite beyond me as all I get is a perfectly blank screen!! Yet all those blogs who go through different portals such as wordpress or tumblr don't seem to have a problem at all. So, think I might just look into the pros and cons of defection to 'the other side'!
And by the way, it's not the only thing I'm defecting from.
I have "officially" - letter and all - defected from my job.
* Gasp *
It's all been a bit of a shock to the staff and myself actually. I'm not sure that I was fully intent on leaving at the moment but things have been a little tricky around here recently and it seems that if one gets smacked round the chops enough times, your enthusiasm for what you are doing finally wanes funnily enough.
So that's me, that's where I am at.
I've always been good at 'legging it' and I was kind of overdue for some major change, so have decided to move on to pastures greener, and will take my blog with me too!
So it's Adieu for now Peeps, and we'll see you on the other side.
- That is of course when I can work out where the 'other side' might be.
I'll keep you posted - *gosh, how droll of me *
Just a couple of little tidbits to keep you going whilst I go about transferring my life to the next door field;

Mmmmm - I'd have said that was probably "Deuce"!
... and I couldn't let this little advert slip past you that I found in the Nairobi Star this morning;

So you can go through the rest of your day happy now gentleman.
Catch you later!
Love you Lots,
Friday, August 1, 2008
Just arrived in my inbox ........
From john charles
I am writing to seek your partnership in the investment of my inheritance fund USD $6.5M from my late father who died mysteriously on 12 july 2006.
I will like to further introduce myself to you. My name is Mr john charles, I am a 20 years old boy, the only child and son of my late parents Mr and Mrs Toure charles.
It was very evident that he was poisoned to death. I lost my mother when I was barely a year old and my father refused to re-marry another wife because he felt solely responsible for my mother's death. This is so because he concentrated much on his businesses that he rarely pays attention to domestic affairs.
He was always travelling taking care of his businesses that he did not notice when my mother took ill. He thought it was a minor illness and was ignorant of this. My mother on her own resorted to self-medication.
It was not until the illness degenerated that my father took my mother to hospital where she was diagnosed to find out that hypatitis had eaten deep into her blood stream. She didn't last long before she died. This happened when I was barely a year old. Based on this, my father could not forgive himself easily because of it and said he was responsible for her death as he could have saved her if only he had paid attention to the things at home rather than concentrating much on his businesses.
Despite all entreaties by friends and relatives, he refused to remarry but ensured that I had everything that I wanted. It was as a result of this that he made me the next of kin to his fund deposit with the bank here in my country, I should have a direct access to the fund,only when I am 28 years of age otherwise, I should have a guardian/partner intercede on my behalf for the release of the fund to me. Unfortunately, he died on 12 july 2006 and I am 20 years of age currently.
This is why I have contacted you to serve as a guardian to me and as my foreign partner for the investment of my inheritance fund overseas My uncles does not know about the funds because they had already taken my father's houses and other properties and they are looking for a way to kill me. They have requested to have my father's file where all the documents that proof the existence of my inheritance fund in the bank where kept but I simply told them that I do not know where he kept them.
Talk to you the more.
John charles
There you go - word for word, the usual junk that I receive daily - (such the popular chick that I am). Todays seems to have a little more imagination than most that come through so thought I should share this one with you all.
And what do you think of it for a bit of scandal so early in the morning??
I'm thinking perhaps this chap should get a part in a James Bond movie - sounds like the perfect plot don't you think, and for me to be picked out as his guardian and get a share in all this - "Gosh, how honored am I?" ......... Er .......
In fact anyone keen on helping the chap out could probably get in touch with him direct. Think his return email was;
What I still don't get though is how do these weirdos get hold of my email address, and also why haven't Kenyans thought up something similar ? We're usually excellent at finding the most ingenious ways to rip people off and yet these scams seem to be all coming from foreign web worlds ?
Or perhaps it's just that my email address has got it's little self into the wrong hemisphere and I am missing out on the emails that are asking for donations for Obama's granny to go on a small round the world cruise on her way to his inauguration ceremony as the President of the US of the A's??
Perhaps I shall start my own .......
I mean, did you not know I was the illegitimate daughter of our (EX) Finance Minister Mr Kimunya's, childhood sweetheart, and that I too have a small 5Million Dollar fund with my name on it standing by at the Central Bank of which I need to get my hands on through a third party, so that Mr Marende (the house speaker in Parliament) doesn't find out and try to poison me when I'm having my next 3 course lunch at The Grand Regency hotel with my "Unco Amos" !!