Sunday, April 6, 2008

Let's talk about ME !!

I'm fed up with talking about the mad Uncle Bob arsing about in Zimbabwe, and our "coalition" here in Kenya that cannot even agree on Step One - "Let's name the government", which by the way, has extremely little chance of being named today as promised, so instead let's talk about ME ....

As you know, I have moved! I'm over the stress of it all, settled in and so so happy in my new home that I thought I'd share and make you all into 'jolly green giants' - and that won't be the nice, sweet, tasty little pea varieties either, but the hairy green eyed monsters that come from extreme jealously and you will all look hideous. I of course will look fabulous, and win the "My God, isn't she the lucky one" competition hands down!

So here goes. I shall invite you into a sneak peak at my new home - not the inside because that's just got walls (lovely coloured ones though, none of that 'off-white' nonsense for me!), and floors (oooh, actually lovely wooden ones throughout!), and corridors and stuff, and the fact that the entire house I have just moved out of could fit in the living room in this one, is neither here nor there! Instead I have decided to let you look round the garden because it is absolutely stunning and in fact I'm thinking of having tours (for a price of course, I am a Kenyan!), like they do around those National Trust homes in the UK, but for you lot (seeing as you're me mates and all), I'll let you look round for free!

We'll start with the view from where I'm sitting right this minute....

Then we'll move onto the house ........ well a bit of it anyway (you know the sneak preview - gosh don't you love it), without revealing all .....

Then this is the garden (or the middle of it anyhow) .......

Oooh look, we even have a visitor .............. (Mmmm, you'll probably notice the beautiful weather we're having .... Oooooh that was spiteful as I do know the weather, especially in the Northern Hemisphere right now, is shocking ! )

and you'll see even my little men are smiling and playing us a tune

............. All is Well !

(Of course as long as I never step out of my gate again and back into the real world it is anyway.)


Gorilla Bananas said...

What a lovely garden, Miss Chick! Now I really do want to visit you! I'll mail you a copy of my book if you promise to read it while sitting in that garden.

Sukuma Kenya said...

Great to be able to have a sneak peak of your place all the way from Shanghai!

Anonymous said...

Ah for fek's sake! What are ya at? Snow here this morning and -4°. forecast for tonight. No growth in the garden yet and it's well into spring. Do ya hate me or what?

Anonymous said...

some tease you're MC. how much TKK to see the rest then? it looks really cool. i like the buskers best lol

William said...

Looks truly lovely indeed! I'll have to come round for coffee and a game of scrabble when I'm next in town.

@sukumu what are you doing online in Shanghai!? You should be on holiday.

Mzungu Chick said...

Mr Bananas - You're very welcome anytime. I'm sure i could squeeze a couple of large gorillas in my spare room no problem. Oooooh, very flattered about you sending your book. Please do and I will most definitely promise to read it in my garden. :-)

Sukuma - I hope you and the family are having a jolly fab time in Shanghai and Karibu sana when you're home.

Primal - Now, now, green eyes will get you nowhere honey, but hey if you tuck those plants of yours under your arm and get on a plane, I'll find you a bed in the sun no worries!

Zed - It is really cool but perhaps a spot of TKK might do it if you talk in large enough numbers of course!

Will - Welcome anytime you're through this way, we'll make you up a bed. The coffee's always great, and if you fancy getting your arse whoopped once more in Scrabble - Karibu!

BabaMzungu said...

OK, OK! I am sitting here in UK looking out at my garden - the few bits that are poking through the white stuff, and you are right, there is green showing through my SW Kenyan sun tan.
But at least I will be back in kenya within a couple of months, looking for somewhere to hang my hat (the one in the picture) and park my boots. Nothing grand, as I will probably end up in Komarock, so that my co-director can cadge a lift off me every morning.
So, no rolling green garden, just a yard front and back, and a nail in the wall for my hat.
But it will be KENYA!
See ya

Anonymous said...

I like MC. Nice old colonial house I would hazard a guess - looks a lot like my parents (from that one glimpse of the one wall we got!)

Hope you're happily settled in now.

Having to use a made up signature because wordpress doesn't like me commenting on blogger :(

Mzungu Chick said...

Dm - Pole for cold

Nuttycow - yes, fab old house - no mod cons just lovely. x

Baba W 'n' M said...

Beautiful gardens... First thing I thought about was some choma and ice cold tuskers on a weekend. Enjoy your new home, you thoroughly deserve it :)